Majority of Marketers Unconcerned About Musk’s $44bn Twitter Takeover

03 May 2022
by Archie Williamson
1 min
Majority of Marketers Unconcerned About Musk’s $44bn Twitter Takeover

Six in 10 marketers are not concerned about Elon Musk’s $44bn deal to buy Twitter, despite his intentions to make big changes to unlock its “extraordinary potential”.

It was confirmed last week that Musk’s surprise takeover bid had been accepted by the social media company’s board, which prompted speculation about what could be in store for brands on the platform in the future.

Musk has already stated that he wants to uphold free speech and roll out improvements in the form of “defeating” spam bots and making its algorithms open source.

The 50-year-old has also spoken about launching an edit button and overhauling the Twitter Blue subscription service.

While some of those changes could be disruptive, a new poll by Search Engine Land has found that the majority of marketers are not concerned about the prospect of Musk owning the company.

58% of those surveyed answered “no” when asked whether they are worried about the changes Musk might make in the coming months.

In a comments section accompanying the poll, one marketer said they believe removing bots and attracting more users to the platform will be beneficial for advertising.

Others believe that Musk can bring the skills and insights that have helped Tesla and SpaceX blaze a trail in their respective industries.

Marketers will also be comforted that former CEO Jack Dorsey has endorsed Musk’s plans for Twitter.

On the flip side, 42% say they are concerned, with some believing the emphasis on free speech may make the platform a less safe environment for brands.

While a $44bn agreement is in place for Musk to acquire Twitter, it could still take several months for the deal to close.


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