Google Completes Page Experience Update Rollout for Desktop

07 March 2022
by Archie Williamson
1 min
Google Completes Page Experience Update Rollout for Desktop

Google has confirmed that the rollout of the page experience update for desktop searches has been completed ahead of schedule.

In a tweet published on Thursday 3 March, the Google Search Central account said it had finished bringing the updated algorithm to desktop after just nine days.

That is a very quick turnaround for Google, considering it said it had only just started “slowly rolling out” the update on 22 February, with an initial target to complete it fully by the end of March.

It also beats the rollout of the page experience update for mobile by some margin, as that took around two and a half months in total.

Google’s fast work does give SEOs certainty about the search environment, as the page experience signals will be having an impact on all rankings for desktop.

While Google has stated there are unlikely to be any drastic changes, now is a great time to conduct a SEO audit to check website traffic and other key metrics.

There are usually fluctuations after Google launches one of its core algorithm updates, and although this one is slightly different, any shifts in rankings may have occurred due to the latest changes.

Fortunately, webmasters can see how well their site is optimised for page experience via a new dedicated report in Google Search Console.

This report lists the number of “good” and “poor” URLs based on page experience, as well as those that “need improvement”.

If URLs do not reach the required standard, it is a good idea to optimise pages based on the new list of signals, which include the Core Web Vitals, mobile friendliness, and HTTPS Security.


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