Ten Simple SEO Tips You Can Implement Within a Day

30 September 2021
by Archie Williamson
5 mins
Ten Simple SEO Tips You Can Implement Within a Day

Optimising for search engines doesn’t have to be complex as implementing just a few simple SEO tips can improve your content and increase your visibility on Google and Bing.

A recent study by the Manifest found there are five affordable SEO strategies small and medium-sized enterprises should focus on when attempting to improve search rankings cost-effectively. Fortunately, these are also areas where quick, simple fixes can be a precursor to a more comprehensive, long-term vision for SEO.

Keyword research, local SEO, mobile optimisation, link building and content creation are the basic building blocks. And there are facets of each of these “disciplines” that you can start optimising for right now.


Optimise existing pages

There’s no better place to start than updating what you have already published. Quick SEO wins centred around on-page tweaks can give your content a new lease of life. This means updating your title tags, headers, meta descriptions, and body content based on tried and trusted SEO methods. Think 148-160 characters for your meta description, for example.

Take another look at keywords

Now is also a good time to take a second look at your keywords. The target keyword for each page should be included within the first 150 words of an article or blog. You should also add the right keywords to your titles and meta description. Using Google Search Console, you can find a list of queries that you have ranked for within the ‘Search Analytics’ section. This info can help you to target searchers looking for your products.


Adopt a mobile-first mindset

The majority of small businesses using SEO strategies are investing in mobile-friendly content according to The Manifest. This is linked to the fact that Google’s algorithm is now geared towards articles and blogs that are optimised for smartphones.

You can find out whether your site has made the grade yet by using Google’s quick and simple Mobile-Friendly test. If you don’t pass, it may be time to select a new, more responsive WordPress theme.

Improve site speed

Site speed is another signal Google uses in its algorithm. Google says two seconds and under is an acceptable threshold for how quickly a page should load. If you are struggling in this regard, use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool for a complete rundown. Here, you will get a speed and user experience rating, in addition to potential fixes.

With the current focus on the Page Experience, anything you can do to improve the quality of the experience for visitors can be transformative for SEO. This will have a positive effect on metrics such as ‘bounce rate’ and ‘average time on page’ which can then improve your rankings in search.

Content marketing and optimisation

Start an outreach campaign

Need a short-term fix but with an eye on the long term? Content marketing can lay the groundwork for better search performance. Don’t worry if you don’t have an internal team just yet. It is possible to start a link building campaign which builds a stronger internal and external link profile for your business within 24 hours by outsourcing to an agency offering local SEO services.

Clean up thin and duplicate content

The content you have on your site could be actively hurting your SEO efforts. Both thin and duplicate content can be an issue. Thin content is generally defined as anything providing little value to a victory. Any pages with a low word count, without depth, are prime candidates for culling. Google Prefers long-form content so focus on those moving forward.

Duplicate content can also dilute search signals. Any content that is scraped or copied should be removed from your site. Problems can also be caused by URL variations and separate versions of HTTP and HTTPS. There are a variety of tools and crawlers that can be used to help you find thin and duplicate content.

Local SEO

Set up a Google My Business profile

You won’t get far in local search without Google My Business. Setting up a GMB profile will enable you to provide up-to-date and relevant contact info and product details for your business. This is vital for engaging top prospects in your region as Google uses it to determine authority.

An optimised GMB also unlocks the ability to rank in Google’s local search pack. This is a rich result with a map and accompanying details and links. As this features above the first organic listings, it can drive organic online traffic and increase footfall if you have a physical store.

Create localised content

Giving the go-ahead for a content campaign that targets local audiences is also recommended. Something you may not have considered is tailoring this content for digital assistants. Concise facts and FAQs can be remarkably effective at taking up the top spot in search results as these snippets will be relayed to people using Amazon Echo and Google Nest-type devices.

Add location pages to your site

Updating your website with location pages and a targeted about us page is crucial if you are courting local business. If you have more than one location in an area, create a page for each one with unique content. Some of the basics you should run through include store hours and address and contact details, as well as promotions and testimonials. Attaching a Google Maps to each page is also useful for helping people find exactly where you are.

Create pages for each product

Your ranking power can also be restricted if you use a single page for each of your products and services. Crafting dedicated pages will help you to create a better structure and hierarchy for your site, enable you to spread link “juice” more effectively, and demonstrate to Google your authority in different areas. This is how search engines tend to view brands and content anyway.

Making quick and decisive changes to SEO improve your rankings in search and increase your exposure to new audiences. Contact us today if you need to get a new campaign up and running within a short time frame. Atlas offers a range of SEO-driven content services. We can also conduct a free website audit to show you exactly how SEO can work for your business.


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